Showing posts with label google workspace business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google workspace business. Show all posts

Oct 4, 2022

[Gmail Tip] Gmail for my record management.

The key to the record is the time record. When checking the authenticity of digital documents, it has very important meanings such as writing diaries, writing minutes, exchanging data with partners, writing documents, and recording time (timestamps). If I submit evidence to the prosecution or court, can I submit data stored in Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive, My Laptop's storage, Company File Server, etc. as evidence?

Among the digital materials, materials that can be effective as legal proofs are called e-mails. The reason is that the time (timestamp) information recorded when sending and receiving e-mail is considered to be unmodifiable, and it is because you have important time information to check the point.

That's why large businesses doing global businesses want to manage and store all the email content they send and receive with their corporate e-mail archiving solutions (called eDiscovery solutions) at a high price.

Individual or general SMBs do not need to pay extra attention to these costs. All of these problems can be solved if you use only existing e-mail, which is a private company or an ordinary company.

Most importantly, in order to use the tools for recording, you must make sure that the storage is ready for point-of-view confirmation (with the creation time recorded), no matter what tool you use for your record-writing tools. The email system may be recognized as being unable to be modified or altered in the future. So, if possible, I would advise you to log in using Gmail.

The best way to recommend is to use Gmail as much as you can, In addition to email, Gmail is a useful tool for recording. You can choose one of three Gmail (15 gigabytes for free Gmail, 30GB for Google Workspace Starter, Google Workspace Business/Enterprise or Google Workspace for Education). I think it's enough to have one with Gmail as a recording tool.

In addition to simply sending and receiving emails, Gmail has the ability to save all kinds of records (journals, diaries, ideas, book readings, minutes, receipts, paper documents scanned with smartphones, attachments, etc.). I'm using Gmail of Google Workspace Enterprise. This Google Workspace Enterprise' version includes built-in eDiscovery solution, Google Vault, so that employees who accidentally delete emails will not be deleted in Vault, which deliberately deleted sensitive mail. (These data are effective as evidence.)

Jonathan Rosenberg, vice president of product development at Google, is scanning his passport, health insurance card, and emailing himself with his email address and storing it in Gmail. This way, you can use Gmail for recording and saving because you can search anytime, anywhere, on any device.

The introduction was too long. Learn how to use Gmail to record and auto-categorize, tag, and search.

To manage your records, Send all of your content (all the data you want to record) to your email address. The way Google's vice president, Jonathan Rosenberg, mentioned above, uses mainly. Scan your passport and send it as an attachment to you by email.

At this time, you can use various features of Gmail, such as 'Tagging', 'Auto Classification', 'Labeling/Filter', 'Search', 'Auto Forward', 'Save to Attached Document Drive' and 'Apply e-Discovery'.

  1.    How to insert a tag into an email address.

    • I use Google's Keep as a memo app on my smartphone, and then I keep my records (idea memo, diary, diary, brief customer memo). In order to preserve the long-term record for timestamp to check recorded date in future, the Google Keep note will be sent to ‘’. That is, my email address is '' but the address of the recipient can be ''.
    • In the email address scheme, even if you send mail to 'hsikchoi+idea@' in the recipient address, the recipient address of the email content will be displayed as '' and all characters after the '+' will be ignored. So, even if you send like '', your email system will be recognized as ''.
    • After capturing a paper receipt on your smartphone (no matter what app you use for capturing), send it to your email address (eg ‘ Gmail saves it for your records in the label - Receipt.
    • If you search later in Gmail, you can easily search for all messages tagged with "+receipt" by searching for "To: receipts" in the search box.

  1.    How to automatically label incoming email

    • In Gmail, you can automatically sort all incoming messages by "label" and "filter," so you can color-categorize any desired "label."
    • Messages received at 'hsikchoi+idea' will automatically be given a label 'idea' and saved.
    • From the image below
      1. (1) shows the labels created for my Record Management
      2. (2) shows the labels automatically assigned with the 'Filter' function
      3. (3) is a thread function as a conversation mode  only in Gmail. If you want to send additional mail about the recorded mail or write supplementary information, if you reply to the mail, it is automatically bundled into a thread and stored as a single mail. Shows the number of messages that are bundled.
      4. The symbol shown in (4) is an indication that the e-mail address is the only person who is the only recipient.
      5. (5). For example, if you send a message to the recipient address: ", you'll automatically be given the label " Idea". You can also apply the filter internally to allow it to be automatically saved in the label -  Idea.

  1.    Search for labels and search for tags
   In Gmail, you can search for 'label:idea' in the search box via the label search. Messages can be searched tagged with '+' in recipient address search in 'To: idea' in search box


The reason you should use the email system as Record Management Tool for your records is due to the effect of logging time stamps on your email.

Tools that can later arbitrarily modify the time of the generated record are not suitable as a recording tool.

In Gmail, labels, tags, and filters make it easy to manage incoming messages. It is advisable to use Gmail for Record Management, but you can use any tool for recording.

Not many systems will be able to send, store, and retrieve mail regardless of location, time, or device. I strongly recommend that you manage all record with a single Gmail account rather than using a variety of tools to manage all your records.