Showing posts with label amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amazon. Show all posts

Apr 16, 2024

[Kindle Book] Mastering Claude AI: Empowering Writers and Professionals with AI: Opening a New Horizon for AI Utilization

Unlock the Power of AI Writing and Business Innovation with "Mastering Claude AI"

Are you ready to revolutionize your writing process and take your business to new heights? "Mastering Claude AI: Empowering Writers and Professionals with AI" is your ultimate guide to harnessing the unparalleled potential of Claude AI, a groundbreaking conversational AI that outshines even the renowned ChatGPT.

In this transformative book, you'll discover how Claude's advanced natural language processing capabilities and vast knowledge base can elevate your writing skills and drive innovation across various business domains. From crafting compelling content to analyzing complex data, "Mastering Claude AI" provides you with the practical strategies and real-world examples you need to leverage AI for unprecedented success.

Inside, you'll find:

  • An in-depth exploration of Claude's superior features, including its outstanding conversational skills, powerful writing performance, and ability to understand context and generate original ideas

  • Step-by-step guidance on prompt engineering, the key to unlocking Claude's full potential and tailoring its outputs to your specific needs

  • Real-world case studies and hands-on exercises demonstrating Claude's applications in writing, data analysis, information summarization, and visualization

  • Invaluable tips and techniques for applying Claude to various business tasks, such as document creation, academic research support, investment analysis, and HR management

  • Eye-opening insights into the ethical considerations and best practices for collaborating with AI in a business setting

"Mastering Claude AI:Empowering Writers and Professionals with AI

Opening a New Horizon for AI Utilization" is not just a book; it's a roadmap to the future of writing and business innovation. By embracing the harmonious collaboration between human expertise and artificial intelligence, you'll gain a competitive edge and unlock new possibilities for growth and success.

Whether you're a professional writer, a business leader, or an entrepreneur seeking to stay ahead of the curve, this book is your essential guide. Join the AI revolution and discover how Claude can become your ultimate partner in writing excellence and business transformation.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to master the art of AI-powered writing and innovation. Get your copy of "Mastering Claude AI" today and embark on a journey that will redefine your approach to writing and business forever.

This innovative book guides readers through discovering Claude, an advanced conversational AI that transforms writing. The author shares personal experiences and insights to show how Claude's power can be harnessed to boost creativity, simplify writing, and open up new possibilities in diverse domains.

  1. Chapter 1: The Author's Journey with Claude The author shares their personal account of encountering Claude and the profound impact it had on their writing process, leading to the creation of this guide.
  2. Chapter 2: The Rise of Generative AI and Claude's Capabilities This chapter explores the development of generative AI technology, including Claude, and examines the advancements in natural language processing. It highlights Claude 3's core features and the value it brings to writers.
  3. Chapter 3: Mastering Prompt Engineering Chapter 3 focuses on prompt engineering, the key to effectively utilizing Claude. It covers the concept and importance of prompts, methods for designing effective prompts, and optimization strategies for various genres, accompanied by practical prompt examples.
  4. Chapter 4: Writing a Book with Claude The author shares their experience of completing a book in collaboration with Claude, from topic selection and outlining to writing and proofreading. Readers will gain valuable insights into Claude-based book writing and creative writing tips.
  5. Chapter 5: Expanding Claude's Applications in Business The final chapter explores Claude's potential in business settings, such as document creation, data analysis, academic research support, and solutions for investment, finance, and HR tasks. It presents a blueprint for Claude's role in the global business environment.

Appendix: Hands-on Examples of Claude Utilization The appendix provides carefully selected examples of Claude utilization that readers can practice directly, including Gmail analysis, chart creation, and SQL query generation.

Chapter 1: The AI Writing Revolution with Claude
1.1 What is Claude?
1.2 The Purpose and Structure of This Book
Chapter 2: Understanding Generative AI and Its Application in Writing
2.1 The Concept and Development Process of Generative AI
2.2 Overview and Characteristics of the Claude 3 Model
Chapter 3 Mastering the Claude prompt
3.1 The Concept and Importance of Prompts
3.2 Effective Prompt Writing Techniques
3.3 Prompt Utilization Tips for Creative Writing
3.4 Prompt Engineering Techniques Applicable to Claude
3.5 Genre-Specific Prompt Optimization Strategies
3.6 Techniques for structuring your writing and generating ideas using prompts
3.7 Methods for improving and advancing prompts
Chapter 4: The Process of Writing Practical Books Using Claude
4.1 The Role of the Author
4.2 Writing Titles and Subtitles
4.3 Structuring the Table of Contents
4.4 Writing Main Content for Each Chapter in Collaboration with Claude
4.5 Utilizing Claude in the Proofreading, Editing, and Revision Process
Chapter 5: Business Application Strategies for Claude
5.1 Utilizing Claude for Business Document Creation and Analysis
5.2 Utilizing Claude in Legal and Contract-Related Work
5.3 Utilizing Claude in Research Institutes and Academic Fields
5.4 Leveraging Claude for Data Analysis and Report Writing
5.5 Utilizing Claude for Investment and Finance-Related Tasks
5.6 Utilizing Claude in HR and Organizational Management
5.7 Utilizing Claude in the Global Business Environment
Appendix 1: Generating Graphs and Charts with Python Code
Appendix 2: The Process of Generating SQL Statements from Natural Language Queries
Appendix 3: Analyzing Large-scale Gmail Logs with Natural Language
Appendix 4: List of Claude Prompt Engineering Techniques
Appendix 5: Using Claude for Proofreading, Editing, and Revision

Apr 24, 2023

[Mastering ChatGPT-4 Prompts for Writers]

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Your Creativity and Boosting Your Writing Skills with ChatGPT-4]

Chapter 1: The Age of the AI Writer and the Writing Revolution
Chapter 2: Understanding Generative AI and Its Potential for Writers

2.1. Understanding ChatGPT-4

2.2. Role of prompts in ChatGPT-4

2.3. ChatGPT-4 for Writer

Chapter 3: Mastering Prompts for Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

3.1 What is Prompt?

3.2. Basics for writing prompts

3.3 Creative uses of prompts

3.4. Tailoring prompts for different genres

3.5 Use prompts for book organization and ideas

3.6 Optimize prompts

3.7 Test and iterate on your prompt

3.8 Prompt Tips for novelist

Chapter 4. Use Case:Write my business book

4.1. Create a book title.

4.2. Write a table of contents

4.3. Identify the main ideas in each chapter

4.4. Create an introduction

4.5. Create draft content for each chapter

4.6. Write a conclusion

Chapter 5: Scalability and Future Prospects for Using ChatGPT-4

5.1 Possibilities for other content creation

5.2 Limitations and challenges of AI writing

5.3 The future of ChatGPT and the publishing industry

Conclusion: Insights from my journey as an AI writer and challenges ahead
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The "prompts" I used to write this book.


In today's rapidly advancing technological era, every aspect of our lives undergoes significant transformations, and the writing world is no exception. The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies, such as Generative AI, BingChat, and Google Bard, enables collaboration with machine-generated text and opens up an unprecedented realm of possibilities in content creation. We are entering the age of the AI author, and a writing revolution is on the horizon.

Mastering Prompts for Writers: The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Your Creativity and Boosting Your Writing Skills with ChatGPT-4 is your essential guide to this fascinating new world. This comprehensive resource not only provides insights into cutting-edge AI tools like Generative AI, BingChat, and Google Bard but also shares techniques for effectively using these tools to augment your writing process and enhance your creativity.

Generative AI, a groundbreaking technology that generates human-like text, has revolutionized the way we approach writing. BingChat, Microsoft's innovative conversational AI, offers an interactive writing experience, enabling dynamic and responsive collaboration with your AI-powered writing assistant. Google Bard, meanwhile, is a powerful AI-driven poetry generator that can help craft beautiful verses, offering inspiration and guidance to poets and lyricists alike.

Mastering Prompts for Writers teaches you how to harness these remarkable technologies' potential by providing expert tips, techniques, and prompts to challenge and inspire you in unlocking your creativity. You will learn how to work seamlessly with AI authors, utilizing their capabilities to expand your writing skills and bring your ideas to life in new and exciting ways.

Discover the powerful synergy between human and artificial intelligence, and be part of the writing revolution that is changing the face of content creation. Mastering Prompts for Writers: The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Your Creativity and Boosting Your Writing Skills with ChatGPT-4 is your key to exploring and embracing the limitless potential of AI-powered writing tools like Generative AI, BingChat, and Google Bard.

My passion for writing and sharing knowledge led me to publish two books: "Advanced Chrome Device Management & 2017 Essential Guide for Chromebook Users" in 2017 and "New Advanced Chrome Device Management: Chrome Enterprise" in 2020. Both of these books were self-published through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. Throughout my journey, I discovered the potential of self-publishing and how it empowers writers to have complete control over their work. I firmly believe that anyone can become an author and share their knowledge through self-publishing on Amazon.

This book's motivation stems from my experiences in the self-publishing world and the exciting opportunities presented by AI-generated text development. In this third attempt to publish on Amazon KDP, I aim to bridge the gap between human authors and AI-generated writing, helping you tap into the power of both.

The book focuses on ChatGPT-4, an AI writing-generating model developed by OpenAI. By harnessing its capabilities, authors can unlock their creativity, boost their writing skills, and develop engaging content that captivates readers. The key to achieving this lies in mastering prompts—a critical aspect of working with AI-generated text. Through well-crafted prompts, writers can guide the AI's output and create pieces aligned with their vision.

I will delve into AI-generated writing's world, exploring its applications and the impact on writing's future. We will discuss Amazon self-publishing implications and how it has evolved due to AI authors' rise. With this knowledge, we aim to equip you with the tools and strategies necessary to become a successful self-published author.

Throughout the book, I will discover:

  • An in-depth understanding of ChatGPT-4, its strengths, limitations, and its transformation of the writing landscape.
  • The art and science of crafting effective prompts to guide AI-generated writing and create high-quality content.
  • The role of human creativity and authorship in the new era of AI-driven content, and how to maintain your unique voice in collaboration with AI-generated text.
  • Practical strategies for editing, revising, and fine-tuning AI-generated content to deliver value to your readers and meet the high standards of self-publishing.
The process of creating a business book using ChatGPT-4.

This book is for all writers, whether you are an established author or an aspiring one, who wish to enhance their craft and explore the benefits of collaborating with AI-generated text. It is a comprehensive guide that will help you navigate the world of AI-driven writing, understand the dynamics of self-publishing on Amazon, and ultimately, create content that resonates with your audience.

By combining the power of AI-generated writing with your creativity and unique voice, you will be able to unlock new possibilities in your writing career. Mastering Prompts for Writers: The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Your Creativity and Boosting Your Writing Skills with ChatGPT-4 is the key to embracing the limitless potential of AI-powered writing tools and enriching your journey as a writer.

Please note that 90% of the content in this book was generated with the help of the generative AIs ChatGPT-4 (85%), BingChat (3%), and Google Bard (2%).


Jan 9, 2020

Experience with publishing books through Amazon KDP

Amazon offers a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform service that allows individuals to publish and sell books for free. Books published through this KDP will be sold simultaneously on Amazon sites in 13 countries.
I use this KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) service to sell Kindle e-book and paperback. The books I have published have been selling an e-book vs. a paperback at a 3: 1 ratio.
Royalty in e-books can receive 70% of the book's price (if the e-book is priced below $ 9.9) and the paperback can receive 60% in royalties. In fact, the price of a paperback is 2.5 times higher than the price of an e-book. In other words, selling one paperback may be more profitable than selling two e-books. Book prices can be arbitrarily set by authors for both the e-book and the paperback. However, in the case of the e-book, the book price must be set at $ 2.99 to $ 9.99, so 70% of the book's price will be provided royalties, otherwise it will be set at 35%. (See chart below)
Book publishing through this KDP is sold through, as well as,,, and Amazon service sites in 13 countries, including Canada and Brazil. In other words, it is sold in 13 countries with one publishing. Book royalties are paid in the currency of each country sold. Amazon KDP is open to anyone.
The chart on the left shows the ratio of sales by Amazon service country (8 countries), US 29.1%, Europe 23.6%, Japan 10.9%, and Amazon market size. It is just amazing to see how it is sold in other countries. Obviously, I just published my book on, and I'm surprised that it's published in all of the countries that are served by amazon (13 countries).
The chart on the right is for those who have received the Kindle Unlimited (KU) service to view unlimited e-books. This revenue appears to be statistic at the end of each month by counting the number of pages KU subscribers read.

Dec 9, 2016

How to use Google Translator Talk with Amazon Alexa in Korean (video)

Amazon Alexa is an American-born AI secretary. To use in Korea, you have to take various inconveniences. First, you need to create an account on Amazon, and in order to activate Alexa app, you have to be connected from USA region. After completing this difficulty, all commands must be in English and of course I have to answer in English.

However, with Google's mobile translator app, you can communicate almost in real time in Korean, even if you do not speak English. I experimented with this.

Please try your own language with Amazon Alexa using Google Translate.